Karonda Fruit
Scientific name - Carissa carandas
Recognized by different names in different places, Carissa carandas is a class of flowering shrub in the dogbane family, Apocynaceae. Thrives in a wide range of soils, they are hardy and drought-tolerant plant. It grows naturally in the Himalayas at elevations of 300 to 1800 meters, in the Siwalik Hills, the Western Ghats and in Nepal and Afghanistan. In regions with high temperatures, it flourishes well.

Nutritional Value of Karonda Fruit
Vitamins | value |
Energry(Ecals) | 42 |
Moisture(gm) | 91 |
Protein(gm) | 1 |
Fat(gm) | 3 |
Mineral(gm) | 1 |
Fibre(gm) | 1 |
Carbohydrates(gm) | 3 |
Calcium(mg) | 21 |
Phosphorous(mg) | 28 |
Iron(mg) | - |
Vitamin A | 1619IU |
Ascorbic Acid | 9-11mg |

Health benefits of Karonda Fruit
The fruit of Karonda is an astringent, antiscorbutic and acts as a remedy for biliousness i.e. bad digestion, stomach pain and constipation. It is also a great cure for anemia. It is also used to treat skin conditions. Traditionally, it has been used to treat anorexia and insanity. Leaf decoction is used to treat fever, diarrhea, and earache. The roots serve as a stomachic, an anthelmintic medicine for itches and also as insect repellents.

Karaunda thrives throughout the tropical and subtropical climates, having said that, it cannot tolerate heavy rainfall and waterlogged conditions as well. Coming to soil conditions, it can be grown on all types of soils including saline and sodic soils. After care- In view of the fact that, they are very hardy, it requires less care and water requirement is also very low.

Commonly grown from seeds, there are other methods used for propagation which includes: air layering and stem cuttings, however they are not very commonly used. Seeds are sown during august to September and one year old seedlings are transplanted. The process of air layering in Carissa carandas is successful, but it is good to perform this in the beginning of the monsoon. Rooted layers can be separated 3 months after the process of layering.

The fruit of Karonda has 3 to 4 seeds inside it and can be removed with the help of a paring knife. First cut the fruit into two and remove the seeds with the tip of the knife. On the other hand, some boil them to make them into puree or syrup, in such a case you can expect a lot of gummy latex especially when boiled: Skim this from the shell periodically while doing so.

For the fruits to come a long way, it is suggested to store in the refrigerator and in room temperature, they are expected to come three to four days long. Irrespective of the environment type, they are to come just a week time or so, hence it is good to consume then and there. The fruit, does, however, freeze well. They can either be packed loosely in a large freezer bag, or can be de-seeded and boiled into syrup form beforehand.