Malay Apple
Scientific name - Syzygium malaccense
Syzygium malaccense is a genus of blossoming tree, aboriginal to Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam and Thailand; they are a tropical tree. Dark red in color, they are oblong in shape; however some varieties of the fruit are white to pink in color. Insider view- with a large seed, they have flesh tha's white. Easily damaged by freezing temperatures, they are best grown in humid climates and can take up an annual rainfall of 152 cm (60 in) or more. The fruit, apart from consumed raw; they are also used in Jam making. The flesh stew is collected and mixed with ginger and brown sugar to make jam.

Nutritional Value of Malay Apple
Food ValuePer 100 g of Edible Portion* | |
Moisture | 90.3-91.6 g |
Protein | 0.5-0.7 g |
Fat | 0.1-0.2 g |
Fiber | 0.6-0.8 g |
Ash | 0.26-0.39 g |
Calcium | 5.6-5.9 mg |
Phosphorus | 11.6-17.9 mg |
Iron | 0.2-0.82 mg |
Carotene | 0.003-0.008 mg |
(Vitamin A) | 3-10 I.U. |
Thiamine | 15-39 mcg |
Riboflavin | 20-39 mcg |
Niacin | 0.21-0.40 mg |
Ascorbic Acid | 6.5-17.0 mg |

With so many varieties available in the Malay apple, it is quite difficult to describe a single, uniform profile. As with any fruits, even the ripe fruit of Malay apple posses a lovely fragrance or scent of a rose. Insipid and uninspiring on the whole, it gives out a crisp, watery, earthy, and slightly sweet taste. On the other hand, some are slightly bitter aftertaste. Not very succulent, they are spongier than others.

Health Benefits of Malay Apple
The roots of the tree are used for treating dysentery and itching, they are said to provoke menstruation as well. Traditionally it was used for the treatment for high blood pressure, inflammation, and as an antimicrobial, diuretic, and carminative. They have compounds with antidiabetic potential and are strong in antihyperglycaemic properties. Its high antioxidants and polyphenols compounds are known to combat inflammation.

Propagation methods are done often by seeds which loose viability quickly. With the germination in process, they will appear to be crack open. Main shoot and roots are said to appear from the innermost centre portion of the seed. On the other hand, superior varieties of Malay apples are propagated by means of budding, air-layering, and cuttings.

By twisting the fruit's stem you are able to remove them from the tree. They can be consumed as how you eat a pear, i.e. with skin or as-is. While some varieties are seedless, some have one or two round seeds in the bottom centre. With that said, the size of the seed varies as well. While some seeds encompass more than half of the fruit, others are much smaller.
Consider cutting it as how you would cut an apple.

Susceptible to cold, it is recommended that you don't store them in the refrigerator. The fruits when kept on the counter is said to come for three to four days.